Currently there are 14 active metro lines in Paris and two bis lines. These 14 lines cover all Paris area with connection points. Click here to see all Paris metro plans.

Take a Paris public transport bus or privately run hourly bus tours to visit Paris. Download Paris Bus map to help you get where you need to go in Paris in shortest time Bus of Paris is an accurate service city of its own beneath Paris.

The Seine is one of the biggest rivers in France and it traverses city of Paris. Cruise on the seine in Paris provides a calm and nice ride on the boats cruising on the river.

Paris has become truly bicycle-friendly city with more than 500 km of bike routes. Many popular bike rental organizations available in Paris.

Take-off from the Heliport of Paris view on the Eiffel Tower, Trocadéro, Montparnasse Tower, Parisian east ring road, Bercy, National library, Zoo of Paris, Vincennes Racecourse, view of Père Lachaise cimetery, Bastille and arrival at le Bourget airport.

One way to visit Paris is Rent A Car. World's biggest car hire booking service. Amend or cancel your booking online quickly and easily.

Fly in a balloon over Paris by the one of biggest balloons in the world at 150 meters above sea level and discover the capital of France.

One of the best options to visit historical sites in Paris, is to walk in Paris from one site to another. We can suggest you to chose the many sites to visit when you are in Paris.

Three mini train lines are in operation in Paris and two of them are around the Montmartre area-Sacre-Coeur.